This page describes the catalogues of GALAH DR4 and how to get them.

GALAH DR4 Main Catalogues

We provide two versions of the GALAH DR4 catalogue (galah_dr4_xx_240705.fits)

Download galah_dr4_allstar_240705.fits (723 MB)

Strongly recommend the use of this table for most science cases interested in stellar parameters and abundances.

The galah_dr4_allstar_240705 is our main results catalogue. It contains results for 917,588 stars observed as part of the GALAH, K2-HERMES, TESS-HERMES, and other related surveys that used the HERMES spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope between December 2013 and August 2023. For all targets we provide stellar parameters, radial velocities, and elemental abundances.

We recommend this catalogue for most science cases as it contains only one entry per star (about 50000 stars were observed multiple times; if you are interested in the per observation results, see the galah_dr4_allspec_240705 catalogue). The full list of columns is on the Table Schema documentation. For each star we provide:

  • Star identifers:
    • the GALAH observation ID (sobject_id)
    • 2MASS identifier (tmass_id)
    • Gaia DR3 source_id (gaiadr3_source_id)
  • Stellar parameters (and their errors):
    • Effective temperature (teff), surface gravity (logg), iron abundance (fe_h)
    • Microturbulence (vmic) and broadening velocities (vsini)
  • Fundamental stellar properties estimated from Bayesian isochrone fitting:
    • Mass (mass), age (age) and bolometric luminosity (lbol)
  • Barycentric radial velocity of the star (rv_comp_1) and a binary companion if it is detected (rv_comp_2)
  • Elemental abundances (and their errors) for:
    • These all take the form X_fe, where X is the element’s chemical symbol
    • light elements: Li, C, N, O
    • odd-Z elements: Na, Al, K
    • α-elements: Mg, Si, Ca, Ti
    • iron-peak elements: Sc, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn
    • light and heavy slow neutron capture elements: Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Mo, Ba, La, Ce, Nd
    • rapid neutron capture elements: Ru, Sm, Eu
  • Flagging information:
    • Please read our GALAH DR4 Best Practices page for recommendations on flags.
    • Overall spectroscopic quality flag flag_sp
    • A data reduction pipeline quality flag (flag_red)
  • Other useful information:
    • The internal survey name (survey_name), observation field identifer (field_id), MJD of the observation (mjd)
    • Signal-to-noise per pixel for the spectrum from each camera (snr_px_ccd1, snr_px_ccd2, snr_px_ccd3, snr_px_ccd3)
  • Photometry:
    • Gaia (phot_g_mean_mag, bp_rp)
    • 2MASS (j_m, h_m, ks_m)
    • WISE (W2mag)
  • Gaia DR3 astrometric and spectroscopic information:
    • ra, dec, parallax, ruwe, rv_gaia_dr3

Extended catalogue of stellar parameters and abundances

Download galah_dr4_allspec_240705.fits (833 MB)

galah_dr4_allspec_240705 is not recommended for most science cases. It is an extended version of the galah_dr4_allstar_240705. It contains results per spectrum rather than per star.

The galah_dr4_allspec_240705 catalogue has results for 1,085,520 spectra acquired as part of the GALAH, K2-HERMES, TESS-HERMES, and other related observing programmes that used the HERMES spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope between December 2013 and August 2023. As with galah_dr4_allstar_240705, for all spectra we provide stellar parameters, radial velocities, and elemental abundances. For the full list of columns, see the Table Schema page.

As well as the information included in galah_dr4_allstar_240705, the galah_dr4_allspec_240705 catalogue has:

  • Additional detail on candidate binaries
    • Prominence of both components in the cross-correlation function (rv_comp_1_p and rv_comp2_p) and height of the secondary component in the CCF (rv_comp_2_h)

GALAH DR4 Value-Added Catalogues

Crossmatch to Gaia DR3, 2MASS, and WISE

Download galah_dr4_vac_wise_tmass_gaiadr3_240705.fits (743 MB)

We provide a value-added catalog with information from the Gaia DR3 gaia_source catalogue, 2MASS photometry and quality flags, and WISE photometry and quality flags for each star in GALAH DR4. The full list of columns is on the Table Schema documentation. This catalogue provides:

  • Unique identifiers for all four catalogues (sobject_id, source_id, tmass_id, wise_id)
  • Photometry and associated errors:
    • Gaia DR3 G (phot_g_mean_mag), BP (phot_bp_mean_mag), RP (phot_rp_mean_mag), BP-RP (bp_rp), BP-G (bp_g), G-RP (g_rp), E(B-V) (ebv), G-band extinction (ag_gspphot), BP-RP reddening (ebpminrp_gspphot) and photometric variability flag (phot_variable_flag)
    • 2MASS J (j_m), H (h_m), Ks (ks_m)
    • WISE W1 (W1mag), W2 (W2mag), W3 (W3mag), W4 (W4mag)
  • Gaia DR3 astrometry:
    • Parallax (parallax), proper motion (pmra, pmdec), and renormalised unit weight error (ruwe)
  • Distances:
    • Bayesian geometric (r_med_geo, r_lo_geo, r_hi_geo) and photogeometric (r_med_photogeo, r_lo_photogeo, r_hi_photogeo) distances derived for Gaia DR3 in Bailer-Jones et al. (2021)
  • Gaia spectroscopic information:
    • Stellar parameter estimates Teff (teff_gspphot), logg (logg_gspphot), [Fe/H] (mh_gspphot) and distance (distance_gspphot) from BP/RP spectra
    • Radial velocity (radial_velocity) and line broadening (vbroad) from RVS spectra

Galactic kinematic and dynamic information

Download galah_dr4_vac_dynamics_240705.fits (155 MB)

We provide a value-added catalog with kinematic and dynamical information that builds upon the 5D astrometric information from Gaia DR3 and radial velocities determined from GALAH spectra. The full list of columns is on the Table Schema documentation. This catalogue provides:

  • Heliocentric cartesian coordinates (X_XYZ, Y_XYZ, Z_XYZ) and velocities (U_UVW, V_UVW, W_UVW)
  • Galactocentric cylindrical coordinates (R_Rzphi, z_Rzphi, phi_Rzphi) and velocities (vR_Rzphi, vz_Rzphi, vT_Rzphi)
  • Orbital angles (angle_R, angle_phi, angle_z) and frequencies (omega_R, omega_phi, omega_z)
  • Actions (J_R, L_Z, J_Z)
  • Eccentricity (ecc)
  • Maximum Galactocentric orbit height (zmax), pericenter and apocenter distances (R_peri, R_ap)
  • Orbital energy (Energy)

For the calculation of orbit information we use the Python package galpy (Bovy 2015). To estimate actions, eccentricity, maximum orbit Galactocentric height, and apocenter/pericenter radii, we use the Staeckel fudge via the galpy module actionAngleStaeckel with a focal length of 0.45. We use the following potentials and observed properties of the Galaxy:

  • The best fitting axisymmetric potential by McMillan (2017);
  • A solar radius of 8.21 kpc, consistent with the latest measurement by Gravity Collaboration et al. (2019) of 8.178 ± 0.013(stat.) ± 0.022(sys.) kpc;
  • A circular velocity at this radius of 233.1 km/s;
  • The total motion of the Sun in the V-direction of 248.27 km/s by evaluation the proper motion measurements from Reid & Brunthaler (2004) at our chosen Solar radius;
  • The Sun placed 25 pc above the plane (Jurić et al. 2008);
  • The peculiar solar velocities U = 11.1 km/s and W=7.25 km/s by Schönrich et al. (2020) but V=15.17 km/s.

The input values for each star were:

  • Sky positions (ra, dec) and proper motions (pmra, pmdec) from Gaia DR3
  • Radial velocities from GALAH DR4 (rv_comp_1)
  • Distances from Bailer-Jones et al. 2021 (r_med)

3D NLTE Li abundances

Download galah_dr4_vac_3dnlte_a_li_240705.fits (174 MB)

We provide a value-added catalogue of 3D NLTE Li abundances, calculated with the same process as described in Wang et al. (2024). The full list of columns is on the Table Schema documentation. This catalogue provides:

  • Li 6708 line equivalent width (EW) and its uncertainties (e_EW_low, e_EW_upp) and the FWHM (fwhm_li)
  • A(Li) abundance (ALi) and its uncertainties (e_ALi_low, e_ALi_upp)
  • Li abundance quality flag (flag_ALi)

We recommend choosing only stars with flag_ALi < 2 when using Li abundances and flag_ALi < 4 when using Li equivalent widths (see using the data for more information).

Getting the catalogues

We recommend the galah_dr4_allstar_240705.fits catalogue if you want our best effort stellar parameters and elemental abundances. This catalogue can be directly downloaded from Data Central.

Please read our best practices for using GALAH DR4.

Our primary repository of GALAH DR4 is provided by Data Central. From them you can directly download the catalogues as FITS files, or query via TAP or ADQL.

Downloading the FITS files

The catalogues can be downloaded from Data Central as FITS files, or using the following command (removing the --spider flag and replacing with the appropriate file name as listed below):

# Download the galah_dr4.main_star catalogue
wget --spider