This page gives the schema (or data model) for the GALAH DR4 main and value-added catalogues.

We strongly recommend reading the recommended columns section of our Best Practices page.

The sobject_id column should be used for joining the catalogues.

galah_dr4_allstar_240705 and galah_dr4_allspec_240705

Unless otherwise noted, all columns are found in both galah_dr4_allstar_240705 and galah_dr4_allspec_240705. To save space in the table below, the columns related to abundances have been collapsed in single entries (e.g., X_fe), and they are all listed in a table at the bottom of this page.

Column name Description units type
sobject_id GALAH identifier integer
tmass_id 2MASS identifier string
gaiadr3_source_id Gaia DR3 source_id integer
survey_name HERMES-2dF Survey/Program/Pointing (other if not available) string
field_id GALAH Field ID (-1 if not available) meta.number integer
setup Analysis setup: single/binary/coadds meta.version string
mjd Modified Julian Date time.epoch float
ra Gaia DR3 Right ascension pos.eq.ra;meta.main float
dec Gaia DR3 Declination pos.eq.dec;meta.main float
flag_sp Major spectroscopic quality bitmask flag meta.code.qual, integer
flag_sp_fit Major spectroscopic fitting quality bitmask flag meta.code.qual, integer
opt_loop Nr of optimisation loops used for fitting meta.modelled integer
flag_red Quality bitmask flag of reduction pipeline meta.code.qual, integer
snr_px_ccd1 Average signal-to-noise ratio (per pixel) of CCD1 stat.snr float
snr_px_ccd2 Average signal-to-noise ratio (per pixel) of CCD2 stat.snr float
snr_px_ccd3 Average signal-to-noise ratio (per pixel) of CCD3 stat.snr float
snr_px_ccd4 Average signal-to-noise ratio (per pixel) of CCD4 stat.snr float
chi2_sp Chi2 value of spectroscopic fitting float
px_used_perc Percentage of spectrum used for spectroscopic fit fit.param integer
model_name Neural network model used for creating synthetic spectra meta.modelled string
closest_model Neural network model closest for Teff/logg/[Fe/H] combination meta.modelled string
comp_time Computation time spent on spectrum meta.number float
fit_global_rv Are spectra coadded (without RV shifts) and then a global RV fitted? meta.modelled boolean
rv_comp_nr Number of peaks in RV cross-correlation function (CCF), only in allspec table meta.number integer
rv_comp_1 Radial velocity of primary source spect.dopplerVeloc.opt float
e_rv_comp_1 Uncertainty of rv_comp_1 stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc.opt float
rv_comp_1_p Prominence of rv_comp_1 in CCF, only in allspec table stat.param float
rv_comp_2 Radial velocity of potential secondary source spect.dopplerVeloc.opt float
e_rv_comp_2 Uncertainty of rv_comp_2, only in allstar table stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc.opt float
rv_comp_2_h Height of rv_comp_2 in CCF, only in allspec table stat.param float
rv_comp_2_p Prominence of rv_comp_2o in CCF, only in allspec table stat.param float
rv_gaia_dr3 Radial velocity in Gaia DR3 spect.dopplerVeloc.opt float
e_rv_gaia_dr3 Uncertainty of rv_gaia_dr3 stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc.opt float
v_bary_eff Barycentric velocity applied to reduced spectra arith.factor;phys.veloc float
teff Spectroscopic effective temperature (used for fitting) phys.temperature.effective float
e_teff Uncertainty teff stat.error;phys.temperature.effective float
logg Surface gravity adjusted via parallax information phys.gravity float
e_logg Uncertainty logg_plx stat.error;phys.gravity float
fe_h Abundance of Fe and all other elements not fitted in GALAH (Fe: 1D-NLTE) phys.abund.Fe float
e_fe_h Uncertainty fe_h stat.error;phys.abund.Fe float
flag_fe_h Quality flag fe_h meta.code.qual, integer
vmic Microturbulence velocity (fitted) phys.veloc.microTurb float
e_vmic Uncertainty vmic stat.error;phys.veloc.microTurb float
vsini Broadening velocity (fitted sme.vsini with sme.vmac=0) phys.veloc.rotat float
e_vsini Uncertainty of vsini stat.error;phys.veloc.rotat float
nn_li_fe Neural Network Elemental abundance for [Li/Fe], only in allstar table phys.abund float
nn_e_li_fe Uncertainty nn_li_fe, only in allstar table phys.abund float
nn_flag_li_fe Quality bitmask flag of nn_li_fe, only in allstar table meta.code.qual, integer
li_fe Elemental abundance for [Li/Fe], only in allspec table phys.abund float
e_li_fe Uncertainty Li_fe, only in allspec table stat.error;phys.abund float
flag_li_fe Quality bitmask flag of Li_fe, only in allspec table meta.code.qual, integer
X_fe Elemental abundance for [X/Fe] phys.abund float
e_X_fe Uncertainty X_fe stat.error;phys.abund float
flag_X_fe Quality bitmask flag of X_fe meta.code.qual, integer
mass Mass used for calculating logg(plx), only in allstar table fit.param;phys.mass float
age Age estimated when calculating mass, only in allstar table fit.param;time.age float
bc_ks Bolometric Correction of Ks, BC(Ks), used for calculating logg(plx) phot.mag.bc;em.IR.K float
a_ks Attenuation in Ks-band A(Ks) used for calculating logg(plx) float
lbol Bolometric Luminosity used for calculating logg(plx) fit.param;phys.luminosity float
r_med Median Distance used for calculating logg(plx) pos.distance float
r_lo Lower Limit Distance used for calculating logg(plx) stat.error;stat.min;pos.distance float
r_hi Higher Limit Distance used for calculating logg(plx) stat.error;stat.max;pos.distance float
sb2_rv_16 16th perc. radial velocity of fit to syn-obs residuals stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc.opt float
sb2_rv_50 50th perc. radial velocity of fit to syn-obs residuals spect.dopplerVeloc.opt float
sb2_rv_84 84th perc. radial velocity of fit to syn-obs residuals stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc.opt float
ew_h_beta Equivalent Width of observed Hbeta core fit.param;spect.line.eqWidth float
ew_h_alpha Equivalent Width of observed Halpha core fit.param;spect.line.eqWidth float
res_h_beta Residual Equivalent Width of syn-obs residuals at Hbeta core fit.param;spect.line.eqWidth float
res_h_alpha Residual Equivalent Width of syn-obs residuals at Halpha core fit.param;spect.line.eqWidth float
ew_k_is Equivalent Width of fit for K7699 Interstellar Line fit.param;spect.line.eqWidth float
sigma_k_is Sigma auf Gaussian fit for K7699 Interstellar Line fit.param float
rv_k_is Radial velocity of fit to syn-obs residuals around K7699 line fit.param;spect.dopplerVeloc.opt float
ew_dib5780 Equivalent Width of fit for 5780 Diffiuse Interstellar Band fit.param;spect.line.eqWidth float
sigma_dib5780 Sigma auf Gaussian fit for 5780 DIB fit.param float
rv_dib5780 Radial velocity of fit to syn-obs residuals around 5780 DIB fit.param;spect.dopplerVeloc.opt float
ew_dib5797 Equivalent Width of fit for 5797 Diffiuse Interstellar Band fit.param;spect.line.eqWidth float
sigma_dib5797 Sigma auf Gaussian fit for 5797 DIB fit.param float
rv_dib5797 Radial velocity of fit to syn-obs residuals around 5797 DIB fit.param;spect.dopplerVeloc.opt float
ew_dib6613 Equivalent Width of fit for 6613 Diffiuse Interstellar Band fit.param;spect.line.eqWidth float
sigma_dib6613 Sigma auf Gaussian fit for 6613 DIB fit.param float
rv_dib6613 Radial velocity of fit to syn-obs residuals around 6613 DIB fit.param;spect.dopplerVeloc.opt float
logg_spec Spectroscopic surface gravity (used for fitting), only in allspec table phys.gravity float
e_logg_spec Uncertainty logg_spec, only in allspec table stat.error;phys.gravity float
ebv Extinction E(B-V) float
phot_g_mean_mag Gaia DR3 G-band mean magnitude phot.mag;em.opt float
phot_bp_mean_mag Gaia DR3 Integrated BP mean magnitude, only in allspec table phot.mag;em.opt.B float
bp_rp Gaia DR3 BP - RP colour phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R float
j_m 2MASS J-band magnitude, only in allstar table phot.mag;em.IR.J float
j_msigcom 2MASS Uncertainty of j_m, only in allstar table stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J float
h_m 2MASS H-band magnitude phot.mag;em.IR.H float
h_msigcom 2MASS Uncertainty of h_m stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H float
ks_m 2MASS Ks-band magnitude phot.mag;em.IR.K float
ks_msigcom 2MASS Uncertainty of ks_m stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K float
W2mag AllWISE W2-band magnitude phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um float
e_W2mag AllWISE uncertainty of W2mag stat.error;phot.mag float
ruwe Gaia DR3 Renormalised unit weight error stat.error float
parallax Astrometric parallax used for GALAH DR4 pos.parallax.trig float
parallax_error Gaia DR3 Standard error of parallax stat.error;pos.parallax.trig float
e_parallax Uncertainty of astrometric parallax used for GALAH DR4, only in allspec table stat.error;pos.parallax.trig float
parallax_gaia_edr3 Parallax reported with corrections by Gaia EDR3, only in allspec table pos.parallax.trig float
e_parallax_gaia_edr3 Uncertainty of parallax reported with corrections by Gaia EDR3, only in allspec table stat.error;pos.parallax.trig float
ew_li Equivalent width of LiI 6708 line region spect.line.eqWidth float
e_ew_li_low Lower uncertainty limit of ew_li stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth float
e_ew_li_upp Upper uncertainty limit of ew_li stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth float
a_li Absolute Lithium abundance phys.abund float
a_li_upp_lim Upper limit of a_li stat.error;phys.abund float
e_a_li_low Lower uncertainty of a_li stat.error;phys.abund float
e_a_li_upp Upper uncertainty of a_li stat.error;phys.abund float
e_a_li_teff Teff-correlated uncertainty of a_li stat.error;phys.abund float
flag_a_li Quality bitmask flag of a_li meta.code.qual, integer

Abundance columns

To save space in the table above, the columns related to abundances are collated in single entries (e.g., X_fe). Below we list all of the abundance-related columns.

Placeholder column name All possible column names

Neutral/ionised X atomic abundance
li_fe c_fe n_fe o_fe na_fe mg_fe al_fe si_fe k_fe ca_fe sc_fe ti_fe v_fe cr_fe mn_fe co_fe ni_fe cu_fe zn_fe rb_fe sr_fe y_fe zr_fe mo_fe ru_fe ba_fe la_fe ce_fe nd_fe sm_fe eu_fe

Uncertainty X_fe
e_li_fe e_c_fe e_n_fe e_o_fe e_na_fe e_mg_fe e_al_fe e_si_fe e_k_fe e_ca_fe e_sc_fe e_ti_fe e_v_fe e_cr_fe e_mn_fe e_co_fe e_ni_fe e_cu_fe e_zn_fe e_rb_fe e_sr_fe e_y_fe e_zr_fe e_mo_fe e_ru_fe e_ba_fe e_la_fe e_ce_fe e_nd_fe e_sm_fe e_eu_fe

Quality flag of X_fe
flag_li_fe flag_c_fe flag_n_fe flag_o_fe flag_na_fe flag_mg_fe flag_al_fe flag_si_fe flag_k_fe flag_ca_fe flag_sc_fe flag_ti_fe flag_v_fe flag_cr_fe flag_mn_fe flag_co_fe flag_ni_fe flag_cu_fe flag_zn_fe flag_rb_fe flag_sr_fe flag_y_fe flag_zr_fe flag_mo_fe flag_ru_fe flag_ba_fe flag_la_fe flag_ce_fe flag_nd_fe flag_sm_fe flag_eu_fe


Column name Description units type
sobject_id GALAH identifier integer
tmass_id 2MASS identifier string
tmass_ph_qual 2MASS Photometric quality flag. Three character flag, one character per ba meta.code.qual;phot string
raj2000 2MASS J2000 right ascension with respect to the ICRS pos.eq.ra;meta.main float
dej2000 2MASS J2000 declination with respect to the ICRS pos.eq.dec;meta.main float
j_m 2MASS J-band magnitude phot.mag;em.IR.J float
j_msigcom 2MASS Uncertainty of j_m stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J float
h_m 2MASS H-band magnitude phot.mag;em.IR.H float
h_msigcom 2MASS Uncertainty of h_m stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H float
ks_m 2MASS Ks-band magnitude phot.mag;em.IR.K float
ks_msigcom 2MASS Uncertainty of ks_m stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K float
wise_id AllWISE Sexagesimal, equatorial position-based source name in the form:?hhmm string
W1mag AllWISE W1 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnit phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um float
e_W1mag AllWISE W1 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty in mag units. Thi stat.error;phot.mag float
W2mag AllWISE W2-band magnitude phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um float
e_W2mag AllWISE uncertainty of W2mag stat.error;phot.mag float
W3mag AllWISE W3 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnit phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um float
e_W3mag AllWISE W3 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty in mag units. Thi stat.error;phot.mag float
W4mag AllWISE W4 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnit phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um float
e_W4mag AllWISE W4 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty in mag units. Thi stat.error;phot.mag float
wise_ph_qual AllWISE Photometric quality flag. ?Four character flag, one character per b meta.code.qual;phot string
r_med_geo Bailer-Jones+ (2021) The median of the geometric distance posterior. The geometric distan pos.distance float
r_lo_geo Bailer-Jones+ (2021) The 16th percentile of the geometric distance posterior. The lower 1 pos.distance;stat.min float
r_hi_geo Bailer-Jones+ (2021) The 84th percentile of the geometric distance posterior. The upper 1 pos.distance;stat.max float
r_med_photogeo Bailer-Jones+ (2021) The median of the photogeometric distance posterior. The photogeomet pos.distance float
r_lo_photogeo Bailer-Jones+ (2021) The 16th percentile of the photogeometric distance posterior. The lo pos.distance;stat.min float
r_hi_photogeo Bailer-Jones+ (2021) The 84th percentile of the photogeometric distance posterior. The up pos.distance;stat.max float
calj_flag Bailer-Jones+ (2021) Additional information on the solution. Do not use for filtering (se meta.code string
solution_id Gaia DR3 Solution Identifier meta.version integer
designation Gaia DR3 Unique source designation (unique across all Data Releases);meta.main string
source_id Gaia DR3 Unique source identifier (unique within a particular Data Release) integer
random_index Gaia DR3 Random index for use when selecting subsets meta.code integer
ref_epoch Gaia DR3 Reference epoch meta.ref;time.epoch float
ra Gaia DR3 Right ascension pos.eq.ra;meta.main float
ra_error Gaia DR3 Standard error of right ascension stat.error;pos.eq.ra float
dec Gaia DR3 Declination pos.eq.dec;meta.main float
dec_error Gaia DR3 Standard error of declination stat.error;pos.eq.dec float
parallax Astrometric parallax used for GALAH DR4 pos.parallax.trig float
parallax_error Gaia DR3 Standard error of parallax stat.error;pos.parallax.trig float
parallax_over_error Gaia DR3 Parallax divided by its standard error stat.snr;pos.parallax.trig float
pm Gaia DR3 Total proper motion;pos.eq float
pmra Gaia DR3 Proper motion in right ascension direction;pos.eq.ra float
pmra_error Gaia DR3 Standard error of proper motion in right ascension direction stat.error;;pos.eq.ra float
pmdec Gaia DR3 Proper motion in declination direction;pos.eq.dec float
pmdec_error Gaia DR3 Standard error of proper motion in declination direction stat.error;;pos.eq.dec float
ra_dec_corr Gaia DR3 Correlation between right ascension and declination stat.correlation float
ra_parallax_corr Gaia DR3 Correlation between right ascension and parallax stat.correlation float
ra_pmra_corr Gaia DR3 Correlation between right ascension and proper motion in right ascen stat.correlation float
ra_pmdec_corr Gaia DR3 Correlation between right ascension and proper motion in declination stat.correlation float
dec_parallax_corr Gaia DR3 Correlation between declination and parallax stat.correlation float
dec_pmra_corr Gaia DR3 Correlation between declination and proper motion in right ascension stat.correlation float
dec_pmdec_corr Gaia DR3 Correlation between declination and proper motion in declination stat.correlation float
parallax_pmra_corr Gaia DR3 Correlation between parallax and proper motion in right ascension stat.correlation float
parallax_pmdec_corr Gaia DR3 Correlation between parallax and proper motion in declination stat.correlation float
pmra_pmdec_corr Gaia DR3 Correlation between proper motion in right ascension and proper moti stat.correlation float
astrometric_n_obs_al Gaia DR3 Total number of observations in the along-scan (AL) direction meta.number integer
astrometric_n_obs_ac Gaia DR3 Total number of observations in the across-scan (AC) direction meta.number integer
astrometric_n_good_obs_al Gaia DR3 Number of good observations in the along-scan (AL) direction meta.number integer
astrometric_n_bad_obs_al Gaia DR3 Number of bad observations in the along-scan (AL) direction meta.number integer
astrometric_gof_al Gaia DR3 Goodness of fit statistic of model wrt along-scan observations float
astrometric_chi2_al Gaia DR3 AL chi-square value float
astrometric_excess_noise Gaia DR3 Excess noise of the source stat.value float
astrometric_excess_noise_sig Gaia DR3 Significance of excess noise stat.value float
astrometric_params_solved Gaia DR3 Which parameters have been solved for? meta.number integer
astrometric_primary_flag Gaia DR3 Primary or seconday meta.code boolean
nu_eff_used_in_astrometry Gaia DR3 Effective wavenumber of the source used in the astrometric solution em.wavenumber float
pseudocolour Gaia DR3 Astrometrically estimated pseudocolour of the source em.wavenumber float
pseudocolour_error Gaia DR3 Standard error of the pseudocolour of the source stat.error;em.wavenumber float
ra_pseudocolour_corr Gaia DR3 Correlation between right ascension and pseudocolour stat.correlation;em.wavenumber;pos.eq.ra float
dec_pseudocolour_corr Gaia DR3 Correlation between declination and pseudocolour stat.correlation;em.wavenumber;pos.eq.dec float
parallax_pseudocolour_corr Gaia DR3 Correlation between parallax and pseudocolour stat.correlation;em.wavenumber;pos.parallax float
pmra_pseudocolour_corr Gaia DR3 Correlation between proper motion in right asension and pseudocolour stat.correlation;em.wavenumber;;pos.eq.ra float
pmdec_pseudocolour_corr Gaia DR3 Correlation between proper motion in declination and pseudocolour stat.correlation;em.wavenumber;;pos.eq.dec float
astrometric_matched_transits Gaia DR3 Matched FOV transits used in the AGIS solution meta.number integer
visibility_periods_used Gaia DR3 Number of visibility periods used in Astrometric solution meta.number integer
astrometric_sigma5d_max Gaia DR3 The longest semi-major axis of the 5-d error ellipsoid stat;pos.errorEllipse float
matched_transits Gaia DR3 The number of transits matched to this source meta.number integer
new_matched_transits Gaia DR3 The number of transits newly incorporated into an existing source in meta.number integer
matched_transits_removed Gaia DR3 The number of transits removed from an existing source in the curren meta.number integer
ipd_gof_harmonic_amplitude Gaia DR3 Amplitude of the IPD GoF versus position angle of scan stat.value float
ipd_gof_harmonic_phase Gaia DR3 Phase of the IPD GoF versus position angle of scan pos.posAng;stat.value float
ipd_frac_multi_peak Gaia DR3 Percent of successful-IPD windows with more than one peak stat.value integer
ipd_frac_odd_win Gaia DR3 Percent of transits with truncated windows or multiple gate stat.value integer
ruwe Gaia DR3 Renormalised unit weight error stat.error float
scan_direction_strength_k1 Gaia DR3 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source stat.value float
scan_direction_strength_k2 Gaia DR3 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source stat.value float
scan_direction_strength_k3 Gaia DR3 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source stat.value float
scan_direction_strength_k4 Gaia DR3 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source stat.value float
scan_direction_mean_k1 Gaia DR3 Mean position angle of scan directions across the source pos.posAng;stat.mean float
scan_direction_mean_k2 Gaia DR3 Mean position angle of scan directions across the source pos.posAng;stat.mean float
scan_direction_mean_k3 Gaia DR3 Mean position angle of scan directions across the source pos.posAng;stat.mean float
scan_direction_mean_k4 Gaia DR3 Mean position angle of scan directions across the source pos.posAng;stat.mean float
duplicated_source Gaia DR3 Source with multiple source identifiers meta.code.status boolean
phot_g_n_obs Gaia DR3 Number of observations contributing to G photometry meta.number integer
phot_g_mean_flux Gaia DR3 G-band mean flux phot.flux;em.opt float
phot_g_mean_flux_error Gaia DR3 Error on G-band mean flux stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt float
phot_g_mean_flux_over_error Gaia DR3 G-band mean flux divided by its error stat.snr;phot.flux;em.opt float
phot_g_mean_mag Gaia DR3 G-band mean magnitude phot.mag;em.opt float
phot_bp_n_obs Gaia DR3 Number of observations contributing to BP photometry meta.number integer
phot_bp_mean_flux Gaia DR3 Integrated BP mean flux phot.flux;em.opt.B float
phot_bp_mean_flux_error Gaia DR3 Error on the integrated BP mean flux stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B float
phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error Gaia DR3 Integrated BP mean flux divided by its error stat.snr;phot.flux;em.opt.B float
phot_bp_mean_mag Gaia DR3 Integrated BP mean magnitude phot.mag;em.opt.B float
phot_rp_n_obs Gaia DR3 Number of observations contributing to RP photometry meta.number integer
phot_rp_mean_flux Gaia DR3 Integrated RP mean flux phot.flux;em.opt.R float
phot_rp_mean_flux_error Gaia DR3 Error on the integrated RP mean flux stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R float
phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error Gaia DR3 Integrated RP mean flux divided by its error stat.snr;phot.flux;em.opt.R float
phot_rp_mean_mag Gaia DR3 Integrated RP mean magnitude phot.mag;em.opt.R float
phot_bp_rp_excess_factor Gaia DR3 BP/RP excess factor arith.factor;phot.flux;em.opt float
phot_bp_n_contaminated_transits Gaia DR3 Number of BP contaminated transits meta.number integer
phot_bp_n_blended_transits Gaia DR3 Number of BP blended transits meta.number integer
phot_rp_n_contaminated_transits Gaia DR3 Number of RP contaminated transits meta.number integer
phot_rp_n_blended_transits Gaia DR3 Number of RP blended transits meta.number integer
phot_proc_mode Gaia DR3 Photometry processing mode meta.code integer
bp_rp Gaia DR3 BP - RP colour phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R float
bp_g Gaia DR3 BP - G colour phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt float
g_rp Gaia DR3 G - RP colour phot.color;em.opt;em.opt.R float
radial_velocity Gaia DR3 Radial velocity spect.dopplerVeloc.opt;em.opt.I float
radial_velocity_error Gaia DR3 Radial velocity error stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc.opt;em.opt.I float
rv_method_used Gaia DR3 Method used to obtain the radial velocity meta.code.class integer
rv_nb_transits Gaia DR3 Number of transits used to compute the radial velocity meta.number integer
rv_nb_deblended_transits Gaia DR3 Number of valid transits that have undergone deblending meta.number integer
rv_visibility_periods_used Gaia DR3 Number of visibility periods used to estimate the radial velocity meta.number integer
rv_expected_sig_to_noise Gaia DR3 Expected signal to noise ratio in the combination of the spectra use stat.snr float
rv_renormalised_gof Gaia DR3 Radial velocity renormalised goodness of fit float
rv_chisq_pvalue Gaia DR3 P-value for constancy based on a chi-squared criterion float
rv_time_duration Gaia DR3 Time coverage of the radial velocity time series time.duration float
rv_amplitude_robust Gaia DR3 Total amplitude in the radial velocity time series after outlier rem stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc.opt;em.opt.I float
rv_template_teff Gaia DR3 Teff of the template used to compute the radial velocity float
rv_template_logg Gaia DR3 Logg of the template used to compute the radial velocity float
rv_template_fe_h Gaia DR3 [Fe/H] of the template used to compute the radial velocityy float
rv_atm_param_origin Gaia DR3 Origin of the atmospheric parameters associated to the template meta.code.class integer
vbroad Gaia DR3 Spectral line broadening parameter spect.dopplerVeloc.opt;em.opt.I float
vbroad_error Gaia DR3 Uncertainty on the spectral line broadening stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc.opt;em.opt.I float
vbroad_nb_transits Gaia DR3 Number of transits used to compute vbroad meta.number integer
grvs_mag Gaia DR3 Integrated Grvs magnitude phot.mag;em.opt float
grvs_mag_error Gaia DR3 Grvs magnitude uncertainty stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt float
grvs_mag_nb_transits Gaia DR3 Number of transits used to compute Grvs meta.number integer
rvs_spec_sig_to_noise Gaia DR3 Signal to noise ratio in the mean RVS spectrum stat.snr float
phot_variable_flag Gaia DR3 Photometric variability flag meta.code;src.var string
l Gaia DR3 Galactic longitude pos.galactic.lon float
b Gaia DR3 Galactic latitude float
ecl_lon Gaia DR3 Ecliptic longitude pos.ecliptic.lon float
ecl_lat Gaia DR3 Ecliptic latitude float
in_qso_candidates Gaia DR3 Flag indicating the availability of additional information in the QS meta.code.status boolean
in_galaxy_candidates Gaia DR3 Flag indicating the availability of additional information in the ga meta.code.status boolean
non_single_star Gaia DR3 Flag indicating the availability of additional information in the va meta.code.status integer
has_xp_continuous Gaia DR3 Flag indicating the availability of mean BP/RP spectrum in continuou meta.code.status boolean
has_xp_sampled Gaia DR3 Flag indicating the availability of mean BP/RP spectrum in sampled f meta.code.status boolean
has_rvs Gaia DR3 Flag indicating the availability of mean RVS spectrum for this sourc meta.code.status boolean
has_epoch_photometry Gaia DR3 Flag indicating the availability of epoch photometry for this source meta.code.status boolean
has_epoch_rv Gaia DR3 Flag indicating the availability of epoch radial velocity for this s meta.code.status boolean
has_mcmc_gspphot Gaia DR3 Flag indicating the availability of GSP-Phot MCMC samples for this s meta.code.status boolean
has_mcmc_msc Gaia DR3 Flag indicating the availability of MSC MCMC samples for this source meta.code.status boolean
in_andromeda_survey Gaia DR3 Flag indicating that the source is present in the Gaia Andromeda Pho meta.code.status boolean
classprob_dsc_combmod_quasar Gaia DR3 Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a quasar (data used: BP/RP spe stat.probability float
classprob_dsc_combmod_galaxy Gaia DR3 Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a galaxy (data used: BP/RP spe stat.probability float
classprob_dsc_combmod_star Gaia DR3 Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a single star (but not a white stat.probability float
teff_gspphot Gaia DR3 Effective temperature from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP phys.temperature.effective float
teff_gspphot_lower Gaia DR3 Lower confidence level (16%) of effective temperature from GSP-Phot phys.temperature.effective;stat.min float
teff_gspphot_upper Gaia DR3 Upper confidence level (84%) of effective temperature from GSP-Phot phys.temperature.effective;stat.max float
logg_gspphot Gaia DR3 Surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectr phys.gravity float
logg_gspphot_lower Gaia DR3 Lower confidence level (16%) of surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas phys.gravity;stat.min float
logg_gspphot_upper Gaia DR3 Upper confidence level (84%) of surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas phys.gravity;stat.max float
mh_gspphot Gaia DR3 Iron abundance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra phys.abund.Z float
mh_gspphot_lower Gaia DR3 Lower confidence level (16%) of iron abundance from GSP-Phot Aeneas phys.abund.Z;stat.min float
mh_gspphot_upper Gaia DR3 Upper confidence level (84%) of iron abundance from GSP-Phot Aeneas phys.abund.Z;stat.max float
distance_gspphot Gaia DR3 Distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra pos.distance;pos.eq float
distance_gspphot_lower Gaia DR3 Lower confidence level (16%) of distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best l pos.distance;pos.eq float
distance_gspphot_upper Gaia DR3 Upper confidence level (84%) of distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best l pos.distance;pos.eq float
azero_gspphot Gaia DR3 Monochromatic extinction $A_0$ at 547.7nm from GSP-Phot Aeneas best phys.absorption;em.opt float
azero_gspphot_lower Gaia DR3 Lower confidence level (16%) of monochromatic extinction $A_0$ at 54 phys.absorption;em.opt float
azero_gspphot_upper Gaia DR3 Upper confidence level (84%) of monochromatic extinction $A_0$ at 54 phys.absorption;em.opt float
ag_gspphot Gaia DR3 Extinction in G band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP s phys.absorption;em.opt float
ag_gspphot_lower Gaia DR3 Lower confidence level (16%) of extinction in G band from GSP-Phot A phys.absorption;em.opt float
ag_gspphot_upper Gaia DR3 Upper confidence level (84%) of extinction in G band from GSP-Phot A phys.absorption;em.opt float
ebpminrp_gspphot Gaia DR3 Reddening $E(G_{\rm BP} - G_{\rm RP})$ from GSP-Phot Aeneas best lib phot.color.excess float
ebpminrp_gspphot_lower Gaia DR3 Lower confidence level (16%) of reddening $E(G_{\rm BP} - G_{\rm RP phot.color.excess;stat.min float
ebpminrp_gspphot_upper Gaia DR3 Upper confidence level (84%) of reddening $E(G_{\rm BP} - G_{\rm RP phot.color.excess;stat.max float
libname_gspphot Gaia DR3 Name of library that achieves the highest mean log-posterior in MCMC meta.note string
ebv Extinction E(B-V) float
phot_g_mean_mag_error Gaia DR3 G-band mean magnitude error stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt float
phot_bp_mean_mag_error Integrated BP mean magnitude error stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B float
phot_rp_mean_mag_error Integrated RP mean magnitude error stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R float
plx_zpt_corr Lindegren+ (2021) Gaia DR3 parallax zeropoint correction stat.error float
parallax_raw Gaia DR3 Raw Parallax (before plx_zpt_corr) pos.parallax.trig float
parallax_error_raw Gaia DR3 Raw Parallax (before plx_zpt_corr) stat.error;pos.parallax.trig float


Column name Description units type
sobject_id GALAH identifier integer
tmass_id 2MASS identifier string
gaiadr3_source_id Gaia DR3 source_id integer
ra Gaia DR3 Right ascension pos.eq.ra;meta.main float
dec Gaia DR3 Declination pos.eq.dec;meta.main float
r_med Median Distance used for calculating logg(plx) pos.distance float
pmra Gaia DR3 Proper motion in right ascension direction;pos.eq.ra float
pmdec Gaia DR3 Proper motion in declination direction;pos.eq.dec float
rv Radial velocity used for orbit estimation arith.factor;spect.dopplerVeloc float
X_XYZ Best-value heliocentric Galactic rectangular x-coordinate pos.cartesian.x;pos.heliocentric float
Y_XYZ Best-value heliocentric Galactic rectangular y-coordinate pos.cartesian.y;pos.heliocentric float
Z_XYZ Best-value heliocentric Galactic rectangular z-coordinate pos.cartesian.z;pos.heliocentric float
U_UVW Best-value heliocentric Galactic rectangular x-velocity phys.vel.orbital;pos.heliocentric float
V_UVW Best-value heliocentric Galactic rectangular y-velocity phys.vel.orbital;pos.heliocentric float
W_UVW Best-value heliocentric Galactic rectangular z-velocity phys.vel.orbital;pos.heliocentric float
R_Rzphi Best-value Galactocentric Radius pos.galactocentric float
phi_Rzphi Best-value Galactocentric azimuth pos.galactocentric float
z_Rzphi Best-value Galactocentric height pos.galactocentric float
vR_Rzphi Best-value Galactocentric radial velocity phys.vel.orbital;pos.galactocentric float
vT_Rzphi Best-value Galactocentric tangential velocity phys.vel.orbital;pos.galactocentric float
vz_Rzphi Best-value Galactocentric vertical velocity phys.vel.orbital;pos.galactocentric float
J_R Best-value radial action src.orbital float
L_Z Best-value azimuthal action / angular momentum src.orbital;phys.angMomentum float
J_Z Best-value vertical action src.orbital float
omega_R Radial orbit frequency src.orbital float
omega_phi Azimuthal orbit frequency src.orbital float
omega_z Vertical orbit frequency src.orbital float
angle_R Radial orbit angle src.orbital float
angle_phi Azimuthal orbit angle src.orbital float
angle_z Vertical orbit angle src.orbital float
ecc Best-value orbit eccentricity src.orbital.eccentricity float
zmax Best-value maximum Galactocentric height src.orbital float
R_peri Best-value Galactocentric pericenter radius src.orbital float
R_ap Best-value Galactocentric apocenter radius src.orbital float
Energy Best-value orbit energy src.orbital; float


Column name Description units type
sobject_id GALAH identifier integer
tmass_id 2MASS identifier string
teff Spectroscopic effective temperature (used for fitting) phys.temperature.effective float
e_teff Uncertainty teff stat.error;phys.temperature.effective float
logg Surface gravity adjusted via parallax information phys.gravity float
e_logg Uncertainty logg_plx stat.error;phys.gravity float
fe_h Abundance of Fe and all other elements not fitted in GALAH (Fe: 1D-NLTE) phys.abund.Fe float
e_fe_h Uncertainty fe_h stat.error;phys.abund.Fe float
EW Equivalent width of LiI 6708 line region spect.line.eqWidth float
e_EW_low Lower uncertainty limit of ew_li stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth float
e_EW_upp Upper uncertainty limit of ew_li stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth float
e_EW_norris Norris uncertainty limit of ew_li stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth float
ALi Absolute Lithium abundance phys.abund float
ALi_upp_lim Upper limit of a_li stat.error;phys.abund float
e_ALi_low Lower uncertainty of a_li stat.error;phys.abund float
e_ALi_upp Upper uncertainty of a_li stat.error;phys.abund float
e_ALi_teff Teff-correlated uncertainty of a_li stat.error;phys.abund float
minchisq A_Li fitting minimum chi2 float
flag_sp Major spectroscopic quality bitmask flag meta.code.qual, integer
flag_fe_h Quality flag fe_h meta.code.qual, integer
flag_ALi Quality bitmask flag of a_li meta.code.qual, integer
fwhm_li FWHM of LiI 6708 line fit spect.line.width;stat.fwhm float
rv Radial velocity used for orbit estimation arith.factor;spect.dopplerVeloc float
snr SNR of LiI 6708 line fit stat.snr float
CN1 CN1 of LiI 6708 line fit spect.line.eqWidth float
Fe Fe of LiI 6708 line fit spect.line.eqWidth float
CN2 CN2 of LiI 6708 line fit spect.line.eqWidth float
V/Ce V/Ce of LiI 6708 line fit spect.line.eqWidth float
Quest1 ?1 of LiI 6708 line fit spect.line.eqWidth float
Quest2 ?2 of LiI 6708 line fit spect.line.eqWidth float