This page gives details of the flags found in the GALAH DR4 catalogues. The main flags that will be of interest to most users of GALAH are the overall quality flag flag_sp and the individual abundance flag flag_X_fe.

For science cases involving stellar parameters, it is highly recommended that you only consider stars where flag_sp == 0. For science cases involving the abundance of element X, it is highly recommended that you only consider X_fe where flag_X_fe == 0 and snr_px_ccd3 > 30.


This flag is found in the GALAH_DR4_main_allstar (and GALAH_DR4_main_allspec) catalogues and is the final bit-flag for the stellar parameter quality flag. Its value is found via the summation of the individual flags as tabulated below.

Value Description
0 No identified problems with stellar parameter determination
1 Emission lines
2 Data from at least one CCD is missing
4 Single-line spectroscopic binary
8 Double-line spectroscopic binary
16 Chi squared for the model spectrum is larger than 3 sigma
32 Warning on v sin i value
64 Warning on vmic value
128 Triple star warning
256 Warning on Teff value
512 Warning on log g value
1024 Warning on [Fe/H] value
2048 Low S/N
4096 Fit did not converge
8192 Extrapolated model; stellar parameters outside the MARCS grid
16384 No analysis results


These flags are found in GALAH_DR4_main_allstar and are the final bit-flag for the elemental abundance quality for the elemental abundance X_fe. Their values are found via the summation of the individual flags as tabulated below.

Value Meaning
0 No identified problems with abundance determination of element X_fe
1 Value is an upper limit
2 Line is not detectable
4 Fit did not converge
8 Value above the analysis limit
16 Value below the analysis limit
32 Measurement issue with C, N, or O
64 Measurement issue with Li, Ca, or Ba

Other flags

There are a number of other flags found in the GALAH catalogues. Most are only of interest for expert users.


The spectrum reduction pipeline quality flag.


A diagnostic flag from the analysis pipeline.


A diagnostic flag from the analysis pipeline. Its value is found via the summation of the individual flags as tabulated below. However, there is an error in the upper limit bit, and this flag should not be used in its current state.

Value Meaning
0 No identified problems with determination of fe_h
1 Value is an upper limit
2 No measurement available
4 Fit did not converge
8 Value above the analysis limit
16 Value below the analysis limit