The formation and evolution of galaxies is one of the great outstanding problems of modern astrophysics. The goal of galactic archaeology is to uncover the history of the Milky Way and how it formed and evolved. The GALactic Archaeology with HERMES (GALAH) survey is a Large Observing Program using the HERMES instrument with the Anglo-Australian Telescope. HERMES provides simultaneous spectra for 400 stars at a time. We are using this to obtain the highest spectral resolution multi-dimensional datasets for over a million stars of all ages and locations in the Milky Way to trace the full history of the Galaxy.

Want to start working right now with GALAH DR4?

The GALAH survey published our fourth data release on 1 October 2024. For 917,588 stars, we provide reduced spectra, stellar parameters and up to 31 elemental abundances.

If you want our best effort stellar parameters and elemental abundances, we recommend the galah_dr4_allstar_240705.fits catalogue.

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